- Corporate Events & Business Functions
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Cruise your way to Chicago Corporate Team Building Events with Chicago Private Yacht Rentals
Are you looking for fresh and unique corporate team building events? Adeline’s Sea Moose is a Lake Michigan private cruise charter yacht that prides itself on personalization whether you are celebrating achievements, corporate parties, and team building events.
Is your team struggling to work together? Is morale and communication low? Or are you trying to improve employee engagement? The reason why teambuilding events are so popular is that they work to bring employees out of their shell and learn how to laugh and work together.
If you’re looking for a unique teambuilding venue, consider pampering your team on a Lake Michigan yacht cruise.
The importance of team building
So, why are corporate team building events so important anyway? One of the most challenging aspects of bringing together people from different backgrounds, interests, and personalities is engagement. We are all unique. Some people are extroverted and engage really well with coworkers. Others are introverted yet have special analytical and problem-solving skills.
Team building exercises build trust, mitigates conflict, improves communication skills, and teaches your team how to engage for collaboration. Despite a person’s personality or background, teambuilding shows – not tells – your team how they can work together for the success of all.
Why team build with a Chicago Private Yacht Rentals Lake Michigan cruise
Why team build on a Lake Michigan cruise. Most employees who work in the corporate world are used to gathering in a conference room, being handed a teamworking guide book and going through exercises. And if you are a corporate leader you have likely heard the negative comments and have seen the rolling eyes.
The reason that employees have disdain for team building is that most companies don’t create an atmosphere that is special to the employees. Imagine the excitement and smiles that your employees will feel when they step onto a yacht. They are being taken from the workplace, and while gaining cooperative skills, employees are enjoying the experience. A unique work-related experience that shows your employees you care enough about their success to create a special event.
Five team building exercises your company can do on a cruise ship Five team building exercises your company can do on a cruise ship. Sure, you may not be able to go rock climbing or race each other across a grassy field, but Adeline’s Sea Moose offers a unique and ever-changing setting ideal for collaboration, communication, and engagement exercises.
Five popular corporate team building events exercises that companies perform on our Adeline’s Sea Moose
I-Spy your way to collaboration
I-Spy your way to collaboration. We all remember the childhood game of I-Spy. In this game, supply a list of Chicago skyline locations. One of the leaders will call out a unique feature they “spy” and then teams can guess what that skyline feature is.
A modification of the team building exercise could be to describe a historic note of the location. “I spy a 19th century building once known as part of the “’White City.’”
This exercise helps to improve collaboration and thinking skills.
Quick-fire trivia for coordination, speed, and teamwork
Quick-fire trivia for coordination, speed, and teamwork. In quick-fire trivia, small groups choose a representative. A facilitator calls out random questions covering a range of topics from history to art, to world events over a period of two minutes. Give each team about 15 seconds to answer each question. Each team works together to decide on a single answer that the representative answers. Each team receives a point per correct answer.
Try to include a work-related question each round.
The broken telephone to improve communication
The broken telephone to improve communication. Communication skills are imperative to a functioning work environment. And just like when we were kids, broken telephone is a great way of teaching attentive listening.
Separate your employees in a circle or line and have them whisper a message from one person to the next until the final person recites the message.
Tell my story to engage employees
Corporate team building events should have fun activities to bring the quiet employees into a more vocal exercise.
The facilitator begins the exercise by reading the first sentence of a short story. Each employee then adds to the story one sentence at a time. When the facilitator announces that the exercise is over, the entire short story will be read.
It’s fun and exciting to see the unpredictability that deviates from an original story as people narrate from their imagination.
The Diplomat for identifying and appreciating team members strengths
The Diplomat for identifying and appreciating team members’ strengths. Understanding each individual’s strengths is helpful when it comes to improvement. We are all capable in different ways. As a leader, it is especially important to understand who stands out in different situations.
In this exercise, the facilitator will provide a case scenario and each small group will write down which of their group mates would be best equipped to handle the situation – to be the diplomat. When everyone has chosen their team’s diplomat, the diplomat’s name will be revealed on a whiteboard with why that person was chosen.
Contact a Chicago Private Yacht Rentals charter coordinator who would welcome the chance to discuss our corporate teambuilding events aboard our Adeline’s Sea Moose.